Friday, August 10, 2012


Today was a pretty bad day for me. I applied for an admin assistant position with the girl's school back in April and was very excited about it and thought I would get the job because 1) I had all the qualifications needed; and 2) I had the experience. Well after months of emailing the principal to follow up on my resume, I was notified the position was still open and interviews would be conducted soon. Today I got the letter in the mail saying they hired someone else :-(. I never even got an interview, which was very disheartening because I know I would be a great asset to the office staff. I guess this was God's way of letting me know that I'm making the right decision by going to school to earn my degree. Doors will open for me one day, and I still love my children's school. It just wasn't my time to go back to work. Having not worked in almost 3 years gets to me though, some days I would love to go back to what I did for 8 years (legal assistant). I feel like my husband has to work too hard and too much for us and I don't contribute enough. He has told me multiple times that I do a ton by taking care of 4 kids, the house, the dog, him, and my schooling, but sometimes I can't help but feel like a let down.

Tomorrow will be a better day for me, I just know it.